Zoznam projektov
Názov | Rola | Schéma | Koordinuje | Detaily projektu | |
1. | BRRIDGE - Building Capacities for Excellent Research and Innovation in Democracy and Policy Through Networking, Knowledge and Experience Transfer | koordinátor | Horizon Europe | Ing. K. Lukáčová | BRRIDGE detail |
2. | EIUS - European Inclusion of Ukrainian Students | koordinátor | Erasmus+ | Ing. I. Šarkanová | EIUS detail |
3. | Biblio - Inovácia vzdelávacích postupov ako prostriedok inklúzie príslušníkov minority | koordinátor | Erasmus+ | Ing. Z. Kvetková | Biblio detail |
4. | MySme - Minoritná kultúra ako prostriedok pre sebaidentifikáciu a posilnenie inklúzie v multietnickom prostredí | koordinátor | Erasmus+ | Ing. Z. Kvetková | MySme detail |
5. | COVIDMOVE - Zvýšenie pohybovej aktivity po pandémii spôsobenej COVID19 | koordinátor | Erasmus+ | Ing. I. Šarkanová | COVIDMOVE detail |
6. | SMARTBUS - Smart Business Skills of Tourism University Students Applicable on International Labour Market | koordinátor | Erasmus+ | Ing. Z. Kvetková | SMARTBUS detail |
7. | SMARTOUR - SMART Tourism Skills Initiative | koordinátor | Erasmus+ | Ing. Z. Kvetková | SMARTOUR detail |
8. | ARCHE - Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe | partner | Horizon Europe | Ing. K. Lukáčová | ARCHE detail |
9. | CitEuroPass - Learning, Experiencing and Validating European citizenship through collaborative and innovative projects | partner | Erasmus+ | Ing. I. Šarkanová | CitEuroPass detail |
10. | ECOSENSE - Economic and Social Considerations for the Future of Nuclear Energy in Society | partner | Horizon Europe
Ing. K. Lukáčová | ECOSENSE detail |
11. | e-SL4EU - e-Service Learning for more digital and inclusive EU Higher Education systems | partner |
Erasmus+ |
Ing. I. Šarkanová | e-SL4EU detail |
12. | GENDERACTIONplus - Gender Equality Network to Develop ERA Communities To coordinate Inclusive and sustainable policy implementation | partner | Horizon Europe | Ing. K. Lukáčová | GENDERACTIONplus detail |
13. | INCULTUM - Visiting the Margins. INnovative CULtural ToUrisM in European peripheries | partner | H2020 | Ing. Z. Kvetková | INCULTUM detail |
14. | PEAPL+ - European Platform for Personalized Learning of Languages PLUS | partner | Erasmus+ | Ing. Z. Kvetková | PEAPL+ detail |
15. | PROMISED - PROMoting twin transition through Integrated steam in bilingual Secondary Education |
partner |
Erasmus+ |
Ing. I. Šarkanová |
PROMISED detail |
16. | RadoNorm - Towards effective radiation protection based on improved scientific evidence and social considerations - focus on radon and norm | partner | H2020 | Ing. K. Lukáčová | RadoNorm detail |
17. | Re-Cultural Heritage - Reviving of cultural heritage: Social and Economic Empowerment of Rural Areas | partner | Erasmus+ | Ing. Z. Kvetková | |
18. | Securing Inclusion - Diversity and Inclusivity in Security Studies (Securing Inclusion) | partner | Erasmus+ | Ing. Z. Kvetková | |
19. | SLIDE - Service-Learning as a pedagogy to promote inclusion, diversity, and digital empowerment | partner | Erasmus+ | Ing. K. Lukáčová | |
20. | T.R.I.P - Training and Realising Innovations in Internationalisation at Home Pedagogies | partner | Erasmus+ | Ing. K. Lukáčová | |
21. | VR EU Hoteliers - Application of virtual reality to the European hospitality and tourism educational programmes | partner | Erasmus+ | Ing. Z. Kvetková | |
Ukončené projekty | |||||
1. | PLATO - Philosophical Learning Applied To Online Surroundings in EU |
koordinátor |
Erasmus+ |
Ing. L. Mikolajová |
PLATO detail |
2. | DANUBE - Rozvoj nových andragogických diagnostických prístupov a intervencií fenoménu docility dospelých | koordinátor | EACEA Erasmus+ |
Ing. L. Mikolajová | DANUBE detail |
3. | JaSom - Sebaidentifikácia v multietnickom prostredí ako prostriedok etnickej tolerancie | koordinátor | EACEA Erasmus+ |
Ing. Z. Kvetková | JaSom detail |
4. | SLIHE - Service learning in higher education – fostering the third mission of universities and civic engagement of students | koordinátor | EACEA Erasmus+ |
Ing. I. Kýpeťová | SLIHE detail |
5. | ALBIE- Adult Literacies as Benefit for Inclusion and Equity | koordinátor | EACEA Erasmus+ |
Ing. Z. Kvetková | ALBIE detail |
6. | THOR - Theory of hot matter and relativistic heavy-ion collisions | koordinátor | COST | Mgr. J. Kunická | THOR detail |
7. | RUINS - Sustainable re-use, preservation and modern management of historical ruins in Central Europe – elaboration of integrated model and guidelines based on the synthesis of the best European experiences | partner | INTERREG CEE |
Ing. Z. Kvetková | RUINS detail |
8. | ACCMETH - The acceleration method of development of transversal competences in the students’ practical training process | partner | EACEA Erasmus+ |
Mgr. S. Kunová | ACCMETH detail |
9. | CEPIL - Cross-border litigation in Central-Europe: EU private international law before national courts | partner | Justice Action Grant | Ing. K. Lukáčová | CEPIL detail |
10. | CFF – Cook For the Future: NEW VET HORIZONS FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION IN FOOD SERVICE | partner | EACEA / Erasmus+ | Ing. I. Kýpeťová | CFF detail |
11. | DocEnhance - Enhancing skills intelligence and integration into existing PhD programmes by providing transferable skills training through an open online platform |
partner |
H2020 |
Ing. K. Lukáčová |
DocEnhance detail |
12. | EIVET - emocionálna inteligencia pre efektívnejší tréningový proces |
partner |
Erasmus+ |
Ing. L. Mikolajová |
EIVET detail |
13. | ETNOFOLK – Preservation and Enhancement of Folk Culture Heritage in Central Europe | partner | Central Europe Programme | Mgr. J. Kunická | ETNOFOLK detail |
14. | ESC - Engines of scientific career | koordinátor | RSAI Regional Science Association International | Ing. I. Kýpeťová | ESC detail |
15. | FAKESPOTTING | partner | EACEA Erasmus+ |
Ing. Z. Kvetková |
16. | FINAC - Financial Management, Accounting and Controlling curricula development for capacity building of public administration | partner | EACEA Erasmus+ |
Ing. Z. Kvetková | FINAC detail |
17. | FOLPSEC - Functioning of the local production systems in the conditions of economic crisis | partner | FP7 | Ing. I. Kýpeťová | FOLPSEC detail |
18. | GENDERACTION - Gender equality in the ERA Community to innovate policy implementation | partner | H2020 | Ing. K. Lukáčová | GENDERACTION detail |
19. | GENDERA - Gender Debate in the European Research Area | partner | FP7 | Ing. I. Kýpeťová | GENDERA detail |
20. | GENPORT - An internet portal for sharing knowledge and inspiring collaborative action on gender and science | partner | FP7 | Ing. I. Kýpeťová | GENPORT detail |
21. | chREACT - Chain Reaction: A Sustainable Approach to Inquiry Based Science Education | partner | FP7 | Ing. I. Kýpeťová | chREACT detail |
22. | IPPA - Implementing Public Participation Approaches in Radioactive Waste Disposal | partner | FP7 | Ing. I. Kýpeťová | IPPA detail |
23. | LIPSE - Learning from Innovation in Public Sector Environments | partner | FP7 | Ing. I. Kýpeťová | LIPSE detail |
24. | MARDS - Reforming doctoral studies in Montenegro and Albania – good practice paradigm | partner | Erasmus+ | Ing. Z. Kvetková | MARDS detail |
25. | MOBILE IDENTITIES - Migration and integration in transnational communities | partner | FP7 | Ing. I. Kýpeťová | MOBILE IDENTITIES detail |
26. | ORM - Online reputation management in Tourism | partner | Erasmus+ | Ing. L. Mikolajová | |
27. | PAQUALITY– Public Administration Education Quality Enhancement | partner | EACEA / Erasmus+ | Ing. Z. Kvetková | |
28. | PLATENSO - Building a platform for enhanced societal research related to nuclear energy in Central and Eastern Europe | partner | FP7 | Ing. I. Kýpeťová | PLATENSO detail |
29. | POCARIM - Mapping the population, careers, mobilities and impacts of advanced research degree graduates in the social sciences and humanities | partner | FP7 | Ing. I. Kýpeťová | POCARIM detail |
30. | PROMISE - PROMoting youth Involvement and Social Engagement: Opportunities and challenges for ˈconflictedˈ young people across Europe | partner | H2020 | Ing. I. Kýpeťová | PROMISE detail |
31. | SLUSIK - Service Learning Upscaling Social Inclusion for Kids | partner | EACEA / Erasmus+ KA3 | Ing. Z. Kvetková | SLUSIK detail |
32. | SilViAlp - Silver Via Alpina | partner | FP7 | Ing. I. Kýpeťová | SilViAlp detail |
33. | SOLIDUS - Solidarity in European societies: empowerment, social justice and citizenship | partner | H2020 | Ing. I. Kýpeťová | SOLIDUS detail |
34. | IPEMOS - Interdisciplinárny prístup k elektronickému monitoringu obvinených a odsúdených osôb v slovenskom prostredí | hlavný riešiteľ | APVV | M. Fodorová | IPEMOS detail |