Preventive measures to tackle the spread of COVID-19
Rector of Matej Bel University, after in-depth consultation process within MBU Working Group on Coronavirus COVID-19, issues the following preventive measures to tackle the spread of COVID-19:
1. The presence form of teaching process at all levels of study is stopped effectively as of 9.3.2020 12:00 AM until 22.3.2020, with the possibility of extension accordingly to the evolvement of current situation. All consultation hours of Study departments and Teaching staff are cancelled. Students are encouraged to communicate with these departments and employees only by electronic means or via telephone.
2. The educational process shall take form of self-study or other appropriate methods. Details shall be determined by Deans of the MBU faculties or by personnel authorized by them.
3. A proper working regime shall apply to all MBU staff. In case of any changes in the development of the epidemiological situation, employees will be informed on the next steps.
4. University students are requested to leave Student homes (exception applies only for foreign students) during above mentioned period. If COVID-19 is reported to be present in the premises of the Student home, students will have to undergo quarantine.
5. As of 9 March 2020, 12:00 AM, all communal events organized at the premises of MBU are cancelled.
6. Staff and students are asked to regularly monitor the University's website and University mailboxes for further instructions.
doc. Ing. Vladimír Hiadlovský, PhD., m.p.
Rector of the Matej Bel University
Foto: ilustračné, GettyImages