Quality Management System
MBU Quality System
One of the strategic objectives of Matej Bel University consists in achieving the quality of services provided by public universities. Prior to the introduction of the quality management system according to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 Matej Bel University was involved in the project LA7271-HCTA_C.1.3.1 CAF Methodology and self-assessment preparation – training for the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, colleges and universities.
External evaluation was performed on the 11th of June 2009. The evaluation process was based on the methodology of the Common Assessment Framework 2006 (CAF). The project OPV-2009 / 1.2 / 01 IBMA / ITMS-26110230021 „Improving management quality and higher education in terms of MBU“ was drafted and approved in 2010.
The project approval led to the creation of conditions for the emergence of an organizational unit ensuring the coordination of all activities related to implementation, maintenance and improvement of quality management system according to ISO 9001: 2008. MBU Board of Quality is a permanent council and advisory body of the MBU Rector of UMB and holds responsibility for:
- Implementation of the standardized quality management system according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2008;
- Implementation of quality systems and their requirements defined by superior national organizations such as the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic;
- Implementation of the requirements for the assurance of quality of higher education provided under the Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on Universities;
- Implementation of non-standardized quality systems and their requirements defined by international organizations such as the European University Association;
- Maintenance and improvement of the quality management system;
- Creation of the vision, mission, strategy and quality policy within the University.
The Board of Quality thus participates in the performance of tasks of the University in the field of higher education and creative scientific activity promotion while fully holding the academic rights and freedoms in the spirit of national and universal human humanitarian and democratic traditions.
In June 2013, Matej Bel University was awarded the certificate of the quality management system according to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 and thus confirmed its ability to implement, maintain and improve its quality system.
MBU Board of Quality Mission
MBU Board of Quality is an expert, advisory, initiating and coordinating body of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica in the process of quality management systems implementation. Primarily, its work focuses on the quality management system according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2008 and quality standards applied to university education and in the process of study programs accreditation. The mission of the Board of Quality is to cooperate in the development, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the quality system assurance at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. MBU Board of Quality has been established to ensure the compatibility of the MBU management system, all of its organizational units and internal processes with the requirements of international standard ISO 9001: 2008 and quality standards applied in university education and in the process of study programs accreditation.
MBU Quality Policy
In order to achieve the Long Term Objectives of Matej Bel University and to ensure the internal quality system in accordance with § 87a of the Act no. 131/2002 Coll., the following quality policy has been announced by the MBU directorate:
- The aim of the internal quality system is to develop the importance of quality in all MBU processes, to create favourable conditions for increasing loyalty and professional development of MBU employees, to continuously improve student satisfaction with services and to achieve wide recognition of MBU in public.
- The implementation and maintenance of a certified quality management system according to the requirements of international standard ISO 9001: 2008, which includes the preparation of the quality policy, quality objectives, quality manual and procedures in the field of quality assurance in accordance with the Section 6 of the § 87a of Act no. 131/2002 Coll. represents an essential instrument applied to achieve the objectives of the internal quality system.
- The relationship between higher education and creative activities in the form of research, development and artistic activities is based on the implementation of the results of creative activity into higher education and on its transformation for the needs of practice.
- Organisation of the internal quality system at MBU is constituted by the MBU Board of Quality, by the MBU management representative for quality, by the manager of quality and internal auditors of quality. The responsibilities and powers of the employees involved in the internal quality system make a part of the MBU organisational standards.
- Each of the MBU constituents, i.e. each faculty – as understood for the purpose of the quality assurance, is governed by this quality policy, quality objectives, quality manual and procedures in the process of quality assurance in accordance with Section 6 of Article 87a of Act no. 131/2002 Coll.
- Each MBU student is involved in the internal quality system of MBU during the whole process and student status – from submitting an application for studies, through studying in the particular year of studies to graduating. In its practices in the area of quality assurance MBU has developed and implemented the quality assessment of study programs by students and it has developed a procedure for regular publication of objective, quantitative and qualitative information on study programs and their graduates.
- The activity of the Board of Quality has been appointed as a fundamental way of introduction, use, monitoring and review of the principles of higher education in quality assurance. The Board of Quality is the supreme body of the MBU internal quality system and it supervises the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 and Act no. 131/2002 Coll.
- MBU maintains the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001 standard: 2008 and continuously improves its efficiency in order to successfully achieve the comprehensive accreditation of MBU.