The exceptional year of the University Night of Literature is over
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, for the first time in the 7 years long history of the University Night of Literature, we could not meet "in person" in the premises of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, but, eventually, every single night during that April week of the UNL we waited for the premiere reading on YouTube. In this manner we preserved the idea of seven readings of seven books by seven readers, however, it happened in seven days instead of one night. Actually, even with a bonus of colleagues from the Silesian University of Opava reading for us. And even though we couldn´t meet together in person, we were together, and we know by the reactions that many people, who for various reasons missed out previous years, became interested in this online reading.
In this special online edition of UNL, the organizing team decided to pay tribute to those readers you may have already experienced reading at the event, and this way we could bring back our memories to the previous years. We selected seven personalities who accepted the offer with enthusiasm, and, within a week, the organizing team managed to prepare everything and start live streaming of book readings. We appreciate their contribution very much and we hope that it is given by the beautiful idea and atmosphere that has been decorating UNL since the first years of its existence. So we had an excellent opportunity to see, for an example, the great biathlete Paulína Fialková, the editor and moderator Peter Zemaník, the publisher and bookseller Slavo Sochor, the translator and Germanist Paulína Šedíková Čuhová, the museologist and director Lucia Panáčková or the student of acting Dušan Ambróš presenting themselves as our readers at UNL online. As in all previous years, we did not forget about the children and dedicated the children's reading to them; it was represented by the little reader, Ajka Bílková, accompanied by her sister Majka, who once was the leader of the UNL team. The bonus reading from behind the Morava River was performed by the university teacher, literary critic and poet Jakub Chrobák and by the university teacher Stanislava Schupplerová.
Their readings have been viewed by more than 3,500 of you so far, and you can find all records at:
A short video about 7th year of the UNL can be found here:
All information on UNL is here:
We are looking forward to seeing you at our University Night of Literature in 2021!
Organizational team of UNL