4 weeks, 4 stops and 4 topics
Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica organised an unconventional project called UMB Career path, which was primarily aimed at students and university graduates in order to help them make their entry into the labour market easier. During the Career path organised by UMB and managed by the UMB Career Centre, students covered 444 km in 4 weeks, 4 stops and 4 topics, where they gained a lot of travel experience under the supervision of HR managers, career counsellors and professionals from international and regional companies.
After the initial introduction into the labour market and how it works, and after the presentation of web portals with job offers and statistics, students stopped at the first two stops called Curriculum Vitae and Cover/Motivation letter, where they found manuals, tips and tricks from professionals. There they had online consultations with the HR manager from the company PwC.
After the first stops, they moved to a more demanding destination – Interview. The aim here was clear; to prepare students for the pitfalls they will have to avoid they attended webinars and presentations. Students had the possibility to complete the whole process of the job interview in such a way that it imitated the interview for a job in Siemens and EY Slovakia. To those present, the company PwC, which for a couple of years successfully cooperates with Matej Bel University, arranged for an online job interview in English language. However, several companies shared their advices and tips on how to catch an attention of the potential employer. Among them were the successful consulting and recruitment agency Grafton, or a well-established companies on the market the O2 Slovakia, MSM and Intercable.
The last week of the UMB career path was targeted on a personal development of students; it was opened by a Matej Bel University graduate student Anička Hríbiková who presented her contribution called Now I have a diploma, what´s next? (Mám diplom a čo ďalej?) Another UMB graduate, Renáta Taligová, followed up on the topic of The Road to Success, and prepared three instructional videos for this project: The Power of First Impressions, A Personal Cheat Sheet for Success and How to Overcome Anxiety.
A recipe on how to find a suitable profession for yourself has the company O2, which in its short video provided some short manual for our students in which it explains the aspects to focus on and what to pay the attention to. For business types of personalities who do not consider being employed, the company OVB presented an important information suitable for the launch of some business.
The power of social media and online communication could unveil in all spheres during the days of corona crises, but for many years it also represents one of the successful personal tools not only for recruitment agencies but also for individual companies. For this reason the Johnson Controls aimed its webinar to the social network LinkedIn. The webinar was successful and the HR managers answered many specific questions. They explained to students the power of LinkedIn network and aimed their attention to the sections, which should definitely be filled in their profiles and to the way they could increase their visibility and traceability by employers and recruitment agencies.
During the whole career path the other two UMB graduate students played an important part; they were the UMB Career centre employees, who prepared the set of materials and presentations for the students so that they could direct them to the successful career path. They also prepared a bonus, a video manual Thousands possibilities, hundreds meters, dozens of paths but only one dreamed occupation (Tisíce možností, stovky smerov, desiatky ciest a len jedno vysnívané povolanie), which is aimed for all young people who cannot decide which way to go, who hesitate in their lives and don´t know which path to take.
The fact that the UMB Career path project was a success can be summarized by the statement of a student who finished it: “I would like to thank you very much for the Career path project, which ended this week. It was very helpful and interesting."
For those who did not have the time and opportunity to attend and participate in this interesting project, the Career Centre has some good news. "Follow us in the footsteps of the UMB Career path. You can start at any time you want in the comfort of your home, because we have everything available for you on the web. If you are not a UMB student, but you are looking for a job, click on www.kc.umb.sk," added the project organizers from the UMB Career Centre.
Authors: KC UMB, RMK (CC, UMB, DMC)