In Between – searching for local history in the border areas of Europe
Bukovina is situated between the Ukraine and Romania, a multicultural Transylvania with numerous Hungarian minorities, Hrušov and Veľký Krtíš which are on the border of Slovakia and Hungary or Lubelská zem on the Polish-German border are four areas that are connected by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, which is the new educational project.
Within the project, youth groups will set out on a trip to the culturally most interesting border regions of Europe so that they can meet locals and examine their family archives and read their memories.
The selected participants of the project will attend workshops headed by experts on the latest history (oral history), Cultural Anthropology and Achival Science prior to the start of the educational visits. They will become familiar with the secrets of the collection of documentary material, learn how to hold research talks, digitize keepsakes, documents and also know various particularities and history of the regions they visit. Consequently, the project participants who are divided into groups of five will set out to visit towns and frontier regions where they stay a week.
In search of the local, distinctive history written up in culturally diverse country image of the selected regions, participants will learn the methods of research and documentation of the history in practice. They will collect photos, letters, documents and other evidence of everyday life by means of pictures, scanned materials, audio records and videos.
Participants will get the opportunity to develop competences in the area of field historical and ethnographical research and deepen their knowledge of the historical processes of Europe in the 20th century. The documented material they collect which records the history of four culturally and historically complicated regions of Europe which will become the topic of the conference with the participation of cultural anthropologists, historians and the oral history explorers. The conference will be held during December 2016 in Warsaw, Poland
The administrators are looking for twenty young people, students or freelancers between the ages 18 to25 years old who want to test their abilities in the investigation of human memory. If you want to participate in the project, you should complete the application form before the 2nd February 2016 which can be found on the following webpage The evaluation of candidates will be based on their motivation to participate in the project, their openness and willingness to cooperate with the administrators.
English is required for participation in the project.
Administrator: European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
Project partners: Babes Bolyai University, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Chernivtsi National University, University of Zelená Hora
European Network Remembrance and Solidarity is the international initiative with the goal to research, document, and spread the knowledge of European 20th-century history. Its fields of interests evolve around times of dictatorial regimes, wars and resistance to oppression. The network members include: Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. There are representatives of Austria, Czech Republic and Latvia who are also on the panel of advisors. More at: and in profile:
Contact ENRS:
Igor Kalina: e-mail: [email protected], phone: +48 22 521 05 88
Contact MBU:
Jana Pecníková, e-mail: [email protected], phone: 048/446 5122
The project is co-financed by the European Union within the programme “Europe for citizens”.