Matej Bel University has the new Erasmus+ project approved
The Methodical Center for Slovaks Living Abroad at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica will launch its project called the Self-identification in a multi-ethnic environment as a means of ethnic tolerance, approved within the Call 2019 by the Erasmus + National Agency for education and training in September 2019.
The project was submitted within KA2 Strategic partnerships and the partners in the project are the Department of Slovak Studies at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Novi Sad in Serbia, Slovak Center for Culture in Našice, Croatia and the Jozef Kozaček Theoretical Lyceum in Budoi in Romania.
The project aims to create an output identifying such elements in the minority environment in the Slovak culture that will contribute to the self-identification of the individual members with an emphasis on a positive perception of being different, which should result in an increased level of the mutual tolerance in multi-ethnic environments. The material output will consist of the didactic material, which will be a practical aid to teachers, educators and cultural workers working either in the environment of Slovaks living abroad, or in the partner countries.
As stated in the Erasmus + National Agency's evaluation report: “The project proposal represents European added value, at European and even at global level as it contributes to strengthening the cultural identity of the Slovaks in the diaspora, contributes to Europe's cultural heritage and by respecting diversity not only in Europe it supports tolerance towards all ethnic groups.”
The project will run for 36 months and will include transnational project meetings, identification and summarization of research carried out so far in Slovak dialectology, folk culture and scenic expression, as well as conferences, training, preparation and testing of didactic material and a preparation of practical guides prepared by foreign Slovaks. For Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, this project presents the third project in the position of coordinator.