Hip Hip Hurray for the UMB Hockey Team
The seventh season of the EUHL was prematurely finished due to the COVID-19 pandemics right after the regular season matches in March. SEKERAS TROPHY, which was to be awarded to the winner of the play-off of the university league, was not granted in the current season.
Nevertheless, we can consider this season a success for UMB Hockey Team.
They won THE BEST POSITION three times.
- The winner – the most successful team of the regular season of EUHL 2019/2020 plus at the same time the students representing Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica - UMB Hockey Team gained the Academic Championship of Slovakia Cup, which is handed over by the Student Council of Higher Education Institutions.
- The award for the most productive player after the basic block of EUHL 2019/2020 was taken over by RICHARD NOVODOMEC - UMB Hockey Team, who gained 27 Canadian points (11 + 16) during 11 matches. With his efficiency, he contributed to the further success of his team.
- The award for the best goaltender was taken over by NICOLAS BOSKO - UMB Hockey Team