Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

UMB spoluorganizátorom II. svetového kongresu na Sangyo University Kjoto Japonsko

Začiatok (dátum, čas): 2. 10. 2019, 9:00
Koniec (dátum, čas): 6. 10. 2019, 15:00
Miesto: Sangyo University
Usporiadateľ: Iné
Mesto: Kjoto, Japonsko

Sangyo Congress 2019


The international coordination Council with the participation of universities from different countries (Armenia, Georgia, China, India, Spain, Italy, Republic of Korea, Russia, Slovakia, USA, Turkey, Czech Republic, Japan) continues the work of the project «Creating a virtual educational and scientific space in the world community» (the creator and one of the project organizers is Prof. Svetlana Minasyan).

Scientific areas of interest:

Horizons in Literature.Innovations in Philology. Increasing Role of the Bilingualism in the Modern Society: Bilingual Education. Translation and Cross-cultural Communication. Foreign Languages and Teaching Methodology. Cross-cultural Aspects of the Pedagogy. Sociocultural Problems of the International Migration and Demography. Information Technologies and Smart-Technologies in Education. Methodology of the Digital Education. Multimedia.





Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici