Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

The 55th Summer School on Algebra and Ordered Sets 2017

Začiatok (dátum, čas): 3. 9. 2017, 0:00
Koniec (dátum, čas): 8. 9. 2017, 0:00
Usporiadateľ: Fakulta prírodných vied
WWW: www.ssalgebra2017.tk/

Dedicated to honour the 80th birthday of Professor Tibor Katriňák Selected also as an event contributing to the 25th anniversary of Matej Bel University

Main Speakers ("school programme"):

prof. Libor Barto (Prague, Czech Republic):
Universal algebra today
(3 lectures)

prof. Brian A. Davey (Melbourne, Australia):
The homomorphism order: from graphs to algebras
(3 lectures)

prof. Fred Wehrung (Caen, France):

Spectral spaces of Abelian lattice-ordered groups

(2 lectures)

Slovak series
prof. Danica Jakubíková-Studenovská (Košice, Slovakia):
Operators and classes of monounary algebras
(1 lecture)

prof. Pavol Zlatoš (Bratislava, Slovakia):

On decidability of some classes of Stone algebras
(1 lecture)


Organizing Committee:

Miroslav Haviar (miroslav.haviar@umb.sk)
(Faculty of Science UMB)

Conference Chair

Miroslav Ploščica (ploscica@saske.sk)

(Faculty of Science UPJS)
Pavol Zlatoš (pavol.zlatos@fmph.uniba.sk)

(Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics UK)
Programme Co-Chairs

Štefan Gyürki
Daniela Guffová

Michal Ivaška

(all Faculty of Science UMB)
Organizing Co-Chairs




More  information: http://www.ssalgebra2017.tk/


The 55th Summer School on Algebra and Ordered Sets 2017

Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici