Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Macroeconomics - CEE perspective

The course of MACROECEONOMICS – CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE provides students with the theoretical foundations of the contemporary macroeconomics based on the models of equilibrium, productivity and economic policy. The students will be able to name, analyse, and interpret macroeconomic phenomena which influence the behaviour and decision-making of all economic subjects in real functioning economic systems. The course reflects the macro-economic situation in Central amd Eastern European Countries, develops the economic thinking and critical analysis in evaluating economic processes. The students will be able to specify and suggest measures applicable for decision-making processes, to develop their own viewpoints towards economic-political situation and can make economic and political decisions and take responsibility for own decisions. 

Course title: Macroeconomics - CEE perspective

Number of credits: 5

Course duration: October, 3 2022 – December,12  2022 (Monday afternoon 12:30 - 14:00)

Language: English

Lecturer: Lacová Žaneta, Ing., PhD.

Methodology: e-learning course (MS Teams and Moodle)Learning hours11 weeks * 4 hours

Administration fee: 20 €

Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica