Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Accommodation in the dormitories

Accommodation in the dormitories

Správa účelových zariadení UMB (SÚZ UMB)
Trieda SNP 53,
974 00 Banská Bystrica
Phone: +421 48 446 69 11

GPS: 48.738984,19.165215

Where to find us:
• From train station, 10 minute´s walk in the direction to „Sídlisko"
• From bus station walk in the direction to train station and „Sídlisko" (15 min.)

Directorate: Tr. SNP 53, Banská Bystrica

• Dormitory 1 (ŠD1), ul. Tajovského 40, Banská Bystrica
• Dormitory 2 (ŠD2), ul. Komenského 20, Banská Bystrica
• Dormitory 3 (ŠD3), ul. Tajovského 51, Banská Bystrica
• Dormitory 4 (ŠD4), ul. Tr. SNP 53, Banská Bystrica
• Dormitory 5 (ŠD5), ul. Ružová 15, Banská Bystrica

Student canteens and buffets:

Student canteen, Tajovského 40 Street, Banská Bystrica – situated at Dormitory 1

Student canteen, Tr. SNP 53 Street – situated at Dormitory 4

Requests for information as of the Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on free access to information concerning the activities and scope of SÚZ UMB should be sent to the Director:

in written: SÚZ UMB,Tr. SNP 53, 974 00 Banská Bystrica
director : Ing. Mrena Jozef
in person: Tuesday 7,30 – 8,30 a.m. or according to agreement
In case of written request you should state that it is a Request for Information "Žiadosť o poskytnutie informácie". There should also be some payment done in accordance with the following pricelist.

Price list for the payments for Request for Information:
• envelope A5 0,07€/pc
• envelope A4 0,13€/pc
• paper 0,03€/pc
• photocopy A4 0,13€/pc
• postage (recommended letter on delivery as of the Post Office pricelist)

Information provided in written form will be sent solely by registered mail on delivery.


Building of Správa účelových zariadení UMB

Accommodation in the dormitories

Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica