Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Nationwide Slovak Universities Basketball Finals of men and women

On 10. 6. – 11. 6. 2015 in the gymnasium of the Faculty of Arts at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, the nationwide Finals of the Slovak universities in basketball of men and women took place, and the selected universities of Bratislava and central, east and west regions met there. At the opening ceremony there were also the leaders from the Matej Bel University and the Faculty of Arts, Mr. Vice-rector RNDr. Michal Klaučo and Mr. Vice-Dean prof. PaedDr. Pavol Bartík, PhD., president of SAUŠ Mr. PaedDr. Július Dubovský and head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports at the Faculty of Arts at Matej Bel University Mr. prof. PaedDr. Ivan Čillík, Csc., who welcomed in their speeches the contestants of the finals and opened this second highest sporting event in Slovak Republic.

In two days under the supervision of experienced referees M. Matejčík, T. Doušek, J. Izák, M. Moravčík and E. Uhrin the universities played 8 games of the championship. The Mens team from SPU Nitra won and defeated the team from TU Košice with a score of 62:45 and in the womens final the team from UPJŠ Košice defeated the home team of UMB Banská Bystrica.

In the semi-finals, our home team of men from UMB Banská Bystrica couldn´t manage the winners from SPU Nitra and after the loss at a score of 45:102 they competed against the defeated team from the 2nd semi-final, STU Bratislava, where they defeated us in the duel for 3rd place at a score of 69:76.

We are happier about our womens team  from UMB Banská Bystrica, whose members were the players from the new university team of UMB. This team was created under the support of the leaders of the Department of Physical Education and Sports at the Faculty of Arts, as well as the leaders of the university and it was created in July 2014. In the academic year of 2014/2015 this team was the newcomer in the second highest women nationwide competition – 1. league of women, organized by the Slovak basketball association.

In the semi-final match  of the Slovak universities, they used their experience from the annual competition, to defeat the team from SPU Nitra and with a winning score of 79:44, qualified for the finals. We met there the winner of the 2nd semi-finals, UPJŠ Košice, who in an equally matched duel defeated the team from STU Bratislava with aat  score of 74:61. In the final match for 1st place, our opponent, UPJŠ Košice, was more successful and defeated our team from UMB Banská Bystrica with a score of 62:50.

Final ranking:


  • 1st  Place: SPU, Nitra
  • 2nd  Place: TU, Košice
  • 3rd  Place: STU, Bratislava
  • 4th  Place: UMB, Banská Bystrica


  • 1st  Place: UPJŠ, Košice
  • 2nd  Place: UMB, Banská Bystrica
  • 3rd  Place: STU, Bratislava
  • 4th  Place: UKF, Nitra

Congratulations to the award-winning teams and we are looking forward to the meeting in Bratislava at the nationwide Universiade 2016.

Mgr. Andrea Izáková, PhD.

Nationwide Slovak Universities Basketball Finals of men and womenNationwide Slovak Universities Basketball Finals of men and women

Väčšiu radosť nám urobil náš výber žien UMB Banská Bystrica, ktorého členkami boli hráčky nového vysokoškolského družstva UMB, ktoré vzniklo s podporou vedenia Katedry telesnej výchovy a športu Filozofickej fakulty UMB, Filozofickej fakulty UMB, ako aj vedenia univerzity a ktorého existencia sa datuje na pôde UMB len od júla 2014. V akademickom roku 2014/15 bolo družstvo nováčikom v 2. najvyššej ženskej celoslovenskej súťaži - 1. liga žien, organizovanej Slovenskou basketbalovou asociáciou.

Skúsenosti z celoročnej súťaže sa pretavili práve v semifinálovom zápase Finále univerzít SR, kde jasne dominovalo nad družstvom SPU Nitra a výhrou 79:44 postúpilo do finále. Tu sme narazili na víťaza 2. semifinálového stretnutia UPJŠ Košice, ktoré po vyrovnanom dueli zdolalo družstvo STU Bratislava 74:61. V konečnom zápase o 1. miesto bol úspešnejší náš súper, UPJŠ Košice, ktoré zdolalo naše družstvo UMB Banská Bystrica 62:50.

Nationwide Slovak Universities Basketball Finals of men and womenNationwide Slovak Universities Basketball Finals of men and women

Výsledné poradie:


  • 1. miesto: SPU Nitra
  • 2. miesto: TU Košice
  • 3. miesto: STU Bratislava
  • 4. miesto: UMB Banská Bystrica


  • 1. miesto: UPJŠ Košice
  • 2. miesto: UMB Banská Bystrica
  • 3. miesto: STU Bratislava
  • 4. miesto: UKF Nitra

Gratulujeme oceneným a tešíme sa na stretnutie v Bratislave na celoslovenskej Univerziáde 2016.

Mgr. Andrea Izáková, PhD.
organizátorka FU 2015

Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica