Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Bike to Work 2015

Bikers successfully represented the Matej Bel University (UMB) in the country-wide competition “Bike to Work” http://www.dopracenabicykli.eu/

The aim of the scheme was to increase the use of bikes for transport in the city and for travelling to work. The competition was organized by Civic Cycling Initiative Banská Bystrica (Občianska cykloiniciatíva) with its partners. The registered teams were composed of 2 to 4 employees from the same company or institution who took part in the bike to work scheme from 1st to 31 May 2015 and they report the results to the registration system on the web page of the competition.

4 teams from UMB participated at the event:

  1. Do práce hravo a zdravo
    Jaroslava Šnajdarová – Team Manager
    Ivan Chorvát
    Erika Srncová
  2. Šľapáky z UMB
    Anna Ivínová – Team Manager
    Eva Čulenová
    Ivan Čillík
    Rastislav Kollár
  3. UAKOM
    Terézia Peťková – Team Manager
    Miroslav Oráč
    Peter Kottman
    Peter Kyseľ
  4. Veselá dvojka
    Ann Klincová – Team Manager
    Danka Vrbová

Following the completion of the competition, the results were evaluated in different categories. On the country-wide level, they evaluated the local governments where they counted kilometres converted proportionally to the number of habitants of the local government. Banská Bystrica, in this category, came in on 3rd place following the cities Svit and Piešťany.

In Banská Bystrica the competition where companies with the highest number of teams was, UMB was placed 3rd    behind the company Orange Slovensko (7 teams) and the District Authority (5 teams).

In the teams’ category where the total number of bicycle rides of all the team members from 1st to 31 May 2015 was evaluated, team UAKOM UMB won with a total of 138 rides.

Bike to Work 2015Bike to Work 2015Bike to Work 2015

Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica