Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

English for Beginners

ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS - Kurz angličtiny pre začiatočníkov

Graduates of this course will be able to use basic knowledge of English language in communication. They will master listening comprehension and simple oral and written communication in everyday personalized situations. They will acquire clear pronunciation and intonation. The course is a prerequisite and motivation for further development of speech skills. Prihláška/Application

Lecturer: Mgr. Milena Štulrajterová, PhD.

The number of hours: 24 lessons (2 lessons per week x 12 weeks)

Beginning of the course: 12 March 2020

Schedule: each Thursday between 14.30 - 16.00

Place: to be announced

Course cost: 59 EUR 

Apply online by 8 March 2020: https://www.umb.sk/studium/absolvent/celozivotne-vzdelavanie-umb/referat-celozivotneho-vzdelavania/formulare-online/prihlaska-na-zaujmove-vzdelavanie-kurz.html


If you have more questions, contact:

Mgr. Petra Žaludová, koordinátorka kurzov  - kurzy@umb.sk / petra.zaludova@umb.sk

Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica